Whoo, Boy. The Senate Race in PA just got hotter as one of the candidates made a gaffe. This from Emily’s List:
It takes a lot to surprise me. But these recent comments from Joe Sestak, one of Katie
McGinty's primary opponents in the Senate race in Pennsylvania, made my jaw drop:
"So why win a seat, but you have to win it through a prostituted way?"
— Joe Sestak, 4/08/16
Those kinds of comments are offensive and insulting to women. They're also unacceptable
from anyone who wants to serve in the U.S. Senate. That's why we are going all in for
Katie [McGinty]— she'll make Pennsylvania proud, and she's the best person to defeat
Senator Pat Toomey (R) in the general so that we can take back the Senate.
And her primary is only two weeks away.
This is going to be the election where we take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell and
his anti-woman GOP crew. Katie is one of our five women running to flip the five Senate
seats we need for Democrats to take back the majority.
And we're not the only ones who know she's right for the job. Katie's been endorsed by the
League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, labor unions like AFSCME and SEIU, and
most recently President Obama and Vice President Biden.
---Lucinda Guinn, Vice President of Campaigns, EMILY's List
We’ve seen Sestak ahead in the polls consistently, but, as we say, shit just got real. The (Democratic) establishment has wanted McGinty for the nominee and this might make sure they get their wish.
I’m of a mixed mind. Either one seemed good as a challenger to Toomey, but, you don’t lose and then come back six years later and expect the nomination to be handed to you on a silver platter, as Sestak appears to have done. I’m expecting this may be time to stick a fork in him, he’s really done now.
I understand the Republicans in their candidate schools try to prepare their nominees how to run against a woman. Rule #1 is don’t say stupid stuff like this. No doubt in another environment to say anyone “prostituted” themselves is reasonable and acceptable, a clear metaphor and not at all considered sexist. Here, however…well, let’s just say the gender gap on this one is gonna be yuge.