David Futrelle writes the “We Hunted The Mammoth” blog, which makes fun of some of the pathetic Men’s Rights Activists, etc., which are running around nowadays.
I was first turned on to WHTM by Amanda Marcotte, now a writer at Salon, who is one the best pro-freedom feminist writers around. Marcotte recently had a story on Salon noticing the intersection between pro-Trump forces and the various Men’s Righters out there. These people are fascinated by Trump's Alpha Dog vibes and how he's able to get beautiful babes. If you want to see a typical MRA type look no further than Elliot Rodger, the slimy pathetic mass shooter at Isla Vista, California, in 2014. Or Marc Lepine, the 1989 Montreal mass shooter who specifically targeted women. For a dramatic interpretation, look no further than Tom Cruise’s character Frank T.J. Mackey in the 1999 movie by Paul Thomas Anderson, Magnolia. Actually, Mackey is not so much an MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) as a PUA (Pick-Up Artist), who teaches seminars to beta males on how to pick up[ women. Most PUAs are fraudsters, including the fictional Mackey, kind of like Trump. There are also MGTOWs, or Men Going Their Own Way, who have sworn off dating and relationships due to their contempt for and lack of success with women. For more, read Futrelle and Marcotte.
So today Futrelle has a poll on his site, about which racist pro-Trump meme is the worst. well, the one I voted for is the one just below the one I copied above here, but Futrelle disguised it with a picture of a kitten. You have to click on the kitten to see it. Trigger warning: any victim of fascism or assault may have negative response to seeing it. But nothing so powerfully shows the racism, sexism, and out and out EVIL of the White Power Movement, which looks favorably on His Orangeness.