My War With Jonathan Haidt
Here’s what happened: I have a semi-sordid history of being an internet agitator. I’ve been called a “troll” in various adventures, mostly inaccurately, in my opinion. Of course, as a sort of...
View ArticleAmanda Marcotte on the Harry Reid Machine in Nevada's Successes
Writing on Salon, the premier feminist blogger offers a great in depth analysis of why The Silver State was a bright spot for Democrats in 2016.“While Clinton was being handed losses in states like...
View ArticleThe Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Most Successful Fake News Report Ever!
The Nineteenth Century (1801-1900) was the most fantastic, advanced, and tumultuous hundred years of human history, until the Twentieth Century surpassed it after a decade and a half with World...
View ArticleResistance, Take Five! Don't Forget Self-Care While Undergoing Our Struggle!
Some may say these are among our darkest days. Charlottesville to us is like Kristallnacht to German Jews in 1938, albeit to the optimistic among us, can never go so far downhill from here on(we...
View ArticleMy Roy Moore Story - Everybody's Got One, Might as well Share!
My Roy Moore Story: Just As You Might Have GuessedRoy Moore is without a doubt one of the most odious slimeballs to ever be a nominee for U.S. Senate anywhere, and that was before recent revelations...
View ArticleIn The Belly of The Beast
In 1972, Linda Jenness, the then Presidential Nominee of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP, a Trotskyite faction too insignificant to be a real political party per se) came to speak at Trinity...
View ArticleAZ Sen: Interesting Gender Theory Dynamics: Macho Republican Frontrunner...
The Grand Canyon State’s Republican Primary for the seat of retiring Jeff Flake is in high gear, with the frontrunner, Rep. Martha McSally, running by some accounts neck-and-neck with “Chemtrails”...
View ArticleBeing "Affectively Charged" and Communicating With Trump Voters
Amazingly, I picked up an important insight reading a professional continuing education lesson, which may somewhat apply to our dilemma as persons of conscience and character in addressing those who...
View ArticleIt's August 7, 1974 all over again! Except.....
On the date shown, Goldwater, together with Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott, and Republican House of Representatives Leader John Rhodes, visited President Richard Nixon, and told him, “It’s over....
View ArticleRIGHT-WING CIVIL WAR: The Spectre of "David Frenchism" Sparks Right-Wing War...
The whole tempest in a teapot reminds me of an anecdote from the 1970s about the long time Texas liberal news magazine, The Texas Observer. For the longest time TO had been edited by Kaye Northcutt...
View ArticleSen. Kyrsten Sinema wins Troll of the Year
We needed this badly: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) was there to hold the Bible for her new colleague, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) who is being sworn in earlier than other new Senators because he is...
View ArticleHillsdale College "Survey [i.e., disguised fundraiser]" Offers Insight to...
Like many of you, I get political junk mail out the wazoo, but these days it’s mostly e-mail. People like Senators Sherrod Brown, Jackie Rosen, etc., are often requesting donations, as are...
View ArticleFor 2024, the Veepstakes may have Stonger Appeal than any Presidential Race...
The late Vice President in Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first two terms, John Nance Gardner of Texas, was reported to have said, “The Vice Presidency ain’t worth a warm pitcher of spit (or maybe this...
View Article"Civil War" Movie: The Shape of Things to Come if #45 becomes #47?
Like many of you, I’m sure, I love movies, even bad ones and especially some bad ones. I prefer Art House fare mostly but some mass market stuff too — Superhero stuff, cartoons, comedy, action movies...
View Article"Civil War" Movie: The Shape of Things to Come if #45 becomes #47?
Like many of you, I’m sure, I love movies, even bad ones and especially some bad ones. I prefer Art House fare mostly but some mass market stuff too — Superhero stuff, cartoons, comedy, action movies...
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